
Leaders in Tokyo undertake joint commitment to a fairer, more sustainable world

Porto signed the 'SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 City Leaders Programme Communiqué' in Tokyo, Japan.

Rui Moreira publicises to the world the importance of Culture for the Municipality, in Tokyo

At the 'SusHi Tech Tokyo – City Leaders Program' conference, the Mayor sat side by side with counterparts from other cities.

German MPs visit the city and learn about development projects

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation organised a visit to Porto by the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) parliamentary group from North Rhine-Westphalia.

Cape Verdean delegation comes to learn about municipal policies and practices in the area of sports

The Mayor of Porto, accompanied by the municipal Councillor for Sports and Youth, Catarina Araújo, received the Mayor of Santa Catarina.

City deputies approved a vote of condolence on the death of Alexei Navalny

The'Rui Moreira: Aqui Há Porto' movement, recalled that Alexei Navalny 'stood out for his courage in openly opposing Vladimir Putin

Porto positions itself to strengthen the role of cities in a more democratic European Union

The vice president attended the annual meeting of mayors in the Eurocities network in Barcelona.

The executive calls for respect for international law and the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza

In addition it condemned "the unspeakable attack of the Hamas organization, for undermining the values on which this city was founded".