
Porto Femme International Film Festival 2020 takes to the big screen this month

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Filipa Brito

It is a fact: this crisis cannot stop culture. The Porto Femme International Film Festival 2020 is back to the Invicta with circa 127 films, from 39 countries. The Casa Comum of the Rectory of the University of Porto features eight sessions, from 7 to 10 October.

The goal is to raise awareness on social and political issues that impact the lives of women all around the world. The festival was due to take place in June 2020, but amid the pandemic, it had to be postponed to this October.

The event is organised following all the preventive health measures issued by the DGS, such as the mandatory use of face masks, rooms with limited capacity and frequent sanitation and disinfection of facilities.

There will be an online extension of the festival, themed Femme Quarantine project, whose dates will soon be announced.

See here the full programme.

All the other sessions of the Porto Femme International Film Festival 2020 will take place at the Cinema Trindade, at Maus Hábitos- Espaço de Intervenção Cultural and at Zero Lodge Box Porto. 

Entrance is free, but subject to limited room occupancy.