
Porto elected European City of the Year by The Urbanism Awards 2020

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Porto has just been elected European City of the year, on the occasion of "The Urbanism Awards 2020", which was held in London today, 27th November. There were 15 finalists and three made to podium places: Porto, Portugal; Sheffield, England; and Utrecht, Netherlands, on that order.

The Urbanism Awards also cover the categories Great Town, Neighbourhood, Street and Place.

"This year's Awards are particularly focused on places that have been through transformation from a past based predominantly on industries to a new basis for their present and future", as stated by the organisation.

The Academy of Urbanism annual event "Urbanism Awards" recognize exemplary placemaking by local government and others engaged in revitalizing and creating coherent cities and metropolitan regions.

The city of Porto embodies the principles of a sustainable European city, one that makes a difference in people's lives.

During the ceremony, Councillor for Urbanism, architect Pedro Baganha shared Porto's best example of urban rehabilitation to an expert audience, made up of over 200 architects from all of Europe.

The Urbanism Awards recognize architecture and planning, as well as development and landscape designs and public space in a wide variety of settings.