SocietyUrban Planning

Municipality shows city's urban intervention model to Brazilian delegation

The municipal secretaries for Culture and Tourism, and Communication from Paranaguá were received by the Councillor for Urban Planning, Public Space and Housing.

Urbanization plan will transform Campanhã into a new hub of the city

The project by Catalan architect Joan Busquets will transform the eastern part of the city

A “Porto de Arquitetura” to display the city’s iconic buildings

Porto City Hall and Casa da Arquitectura will promote, between February and July a cycle of visits to eight buildings.

Public-private partnership transforms Lapa into a greener haven

The first tree is already there, ready to see the growth of many others, until the creation of 17 thousand square meters that will make the future Parque Urbano da Lapa a new lung for a greener Porto.

French students visit the city of Porto to learn about examples of urban rehabilitation

The entourage of 20 students from a college in Paris belonged to an executive "master" on urban development, led by Charlotte Halpern, PhD in Political Science and specialist in "comparative public activity".

Terminal Intermodal de Campanhã (TIC) wins Enor Architecture Grand Prix

The jury considered the terminal "an infrastructure project that addresses the morphological complexity in which it is inserted, presenting itself as a first step to bring the dispersed parts closer together".

After Europe, the Bolhão project recognized as one of the most impressive in the world

The Global Awards of Excellence distinguished the "six most impressive projects in the world".