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Coordinated operation between the Porto City Hall, the police, Metro, STCP and city car parks, provides unprecedented integrated mobility solutions for the New Year 2016. A special morning service of STCP, Metro running at 100 percent as well as parking solutions at 95 cents per 12 hours in three city parks (two-wheeled vehicles can park for free) in the longest night of the year.

The city of Porto regards its safety and welfare responsibilities as high priority and as such, resources will be made available to comply with all relevant acts and regulations to ensure a safe environment.

The new Integrated Management Centre of the city, which was presented to the media December 20, ensures procedures for identifying, assessing, controlling, maintaining and reviewing safety in the city. Operations begin with New Year's Eve celebration.

The city's management system requires a multi-layered process, with the engagement of such entities as the City Hall, Civil Protection, Environment Authorities, all ready to deliver key services as far as safety measures and proper actions are concerned.

The CGI's new facilities comprise two areas, an operating room with 81 m2, which houses 16 workstations, and a crisis room with 47.5 m2.

New Year's Eve Safety

New Year's Eve celebrations for this year feature four stages, with celebrations being extended to other spots of the city, as part of crowd management strategy and risk prevention in congested areas, as the case of the Avenida dos Aliados, were over 100,000 people are expected to welcome 2017.

In the operations centre, Police authorities, Traffic management, Civil Protection and Firefighters play crucial roles and High performance (computers, VoIP terminals, and radio communications equipment), operating several critical subsystems in the operation and management of the city such as the traffic control system (traffic lights), the video system or the access control system of the riverside area.

This year's celebration provides the most complete and intense night shuttle service ever in the city, quadrupling the number of vehicles normally operating at night and making buses available where there is no traffic. The transportation capacity will have an increase of three thousand passengers per hour, per line.

The Metro service will be operating at full capacity, the main lines A, B, C and F and D line (Aliados). At early light, only E (airport) will not be operating.

In order to avoid congestion, the authorities, in conjunction with several city car parks, make parking available at 95 cents for 12 hours in four parks, using the Andante card. It should be noted that two-wheelers can park for free in Trindade Park.

New Year's Eve in Porto will be celebrated by people from all over the country and around the world, so it is essential to ensure the safety of the crowds on the night of the event and to consolidate the sustainability of this type of celebration.