
Porto and Bristol celebrate 40 years of friendship

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On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Friendship Treaty between the cities, 26 members of the Bristol-Porto Association met at the City Hall to mark the date. Around 40 guests were welcomed by the Councillor for Tourism and Internationalisation, Catarina Santos Cunha.

After marking the 40th anniversary of the twinning between Porto and Bristol on 11 April, Catarina Santos Cunha noted that the celebration moment 'proves the lasting strength of the partnership'.

At the celebration, the Councillor for Tourism and Internationalisation recalled 'the visionaries' who, 40 years ago, established the bonds of friendship between Porto and Bristol, highlighting 'their vision, dedication and belief in the power of collaboration', which laid 'the foundations for a relationship that flourished and grew stronger'.

Despite being geographically separated, the two cities have remained close because they share many similarities. 'Both Porto and Bristol have rich maritime histories, vibrant cultural scenes, bustling waterfronts, cultural festivals, traditional gastronomy and a historical connection to wine, making them popular destinations for tourists looking for unique experiences', she said.

The Councillor also recalled that over the last four decades the two cities have shared 'cultural exchanges and institutional partnerships', as well as 'a deep sense of friendship and mutual respect'.

Based on 'friendship, cooperation and solidarity', Catarina Santos Cunha emphasised, the future of the ties between the two cities should be marked by openness to other essential themes, such as 'tourism, gastronomy and wine', she added.

Highlighting 'the power of dialogue, understanding and collaboration in overcoming shared challenges and building a better future for future generations', the Councillor also expressed a wish: 'May the next 40 years be filled with even greater achievements, deeper connections and shared prosperity for both Porto and Bristol', she emphasised.

The celebration, which was attended by the president of the Bristol-Porto Association, Liz Gamlin, and the president of the Porto-Bristol Association, Peter Evens, was sealed with a Port wine toast.

In Bristol, the celebrations took place on 11 April, the day on which Mayor Rui Moreira sent a video to mark the occasion.