
Travelling around Europe at the canteens of Porto's schools

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To celebrate Europe Week, the city's school canteens served menus inspired by the typical dishes of different countries of the old continent from 6 to 10 May. On the day that Spanish cuisine was tasted, the Councillor for Education, Fernando Paulo, had lunch at the Escola Secundária Garcia da Orta (Garcia da Orta High School), where he emphasised food's role in 'human traditions'.

Although Europe Day took place on 9 May, the celebrations lasted the whole week in Porto. In the canteens of the municipality's primary schools and high schools, the daily menus included main dishes, starters and desserts typical of different European nations, in order to introduce students to the gastronomic variety that exists on the continent.

'European countries have a unique and varied gastronomy, with emphasis on the cuisine of the Nordic countries, French cuisine, Mediterranean food and the peasant food of central and eastern Europe, which is why it was decided to celebrate this date over five school days, in order to represent a greater number of countries', noted the Councillor for Education, who, on the day of the event, joined the students to taste one of the most characteristic dishes of the neighbouring country: paella Valenciana.


Following the initiative, organised by the Municipal Directorate of Education, Fernando Paulo recalled that 'the school canteens of the Municipality of Porto receive students from different parts of the world, which is why the role of the canteen as a safe, welcoming and teaching space is becoming increasingly important'.

This type of initiative is also important so that we don't forget that 'food, as well as playing a fundamental role in children's physical and mental growth and development, also has an undeniable link to human emotions and traditions'.

In addition, he added that 'meals are times for socialising and sharing, with friends or family, so the school canteen should continue this relationship with food, or even teach students about food's role as a social act'.

During the five days of the initiative, the typical gastronomy of Italy, Greece, Spain, France and Portugal was explored.