
Porto Climate Pact marks a year with more than 600 subscribers

Leading by example, many projects and actions have been implemented in Porto in the most diverse areas – energy, water resources, waste, urban refurbishment, mobility – towards the objective of decarbonization.

In Porto no water goes to waste: it is reused. And it reaches one million liters per day

The first project of the north region to resort to reused water to wash public areas comes from the Municipality of Porto and is going to generate one thousand square metres of class A water

Ponte Luís I changes to LED lighting and reduces the municipal energetic consumption

The 66 LED lamps will save around six thousand euros from the city’s energy bill annually.

Talks “Porto towards carbon neutrality 2030” gather more than 500 participants for sustainability

Over three months, the theme of carbon neutrality has been under the spotlight, due to the Climate Pact.

Teams from Porto Ambiente take on more than 12.600 environmental awareness campaigns

Established in 2019, Porto Ambiente’s environmental awareness pioneering service, with teams which identify infringements related to the violation of the rules of deposition and conditioning of waste, ditching waste on public roads, amongst others, has already taken on, since its foundation and up until now, more than 12.600 campaigns, including six thousand visits to commercial establishments in the city.

Porto boosts selective waste collection and circularity joined by European partners

Representatives of the seven European cities that are a part of CityLoops, gathered for two days in Porto.

Porto kicks off the bathing season with nine Blue Flag beaches

Until September 10, bathers can enjoy these places with all the equipment and proper cleaning.

Official Animal Collection Center opens its doors to show how it cares for our four-legged friends

Three years ago, the Municipality of Porto built a totally equipped space to care for the animals of the city who do not have owners.

Porto is reducing its ecological footprint and becoming more sustainable

The conference “Cidade Azul”, promoted by the City Hall and the newspaper Público, took place at Super Bock Arena – Pavilhão Rosa Mota.

Scientists, governors, and citizens gather in Porto for Cidade Azul

The event, co-organised by the newspaper Público and the Municipality of Porto, promotes a tour in the city and many workshops.