
Cultural journeys to discover the "Porto World Heritage"

To highlight the 20th anniversary of Porto Historic Centre, the City Hall of Porto decided to outline the Cultural journeys of this fourth quarter of the year under the headline "Porto World Heritage".

"Joan Miró: Materiality and Metamorphosis" exhibition opened

The Miró collection arrived in Porto, the city where it will remain permanently and unveils to the public, for the first time, a set of works of the surrealist painter.

Casa de Serralves to permanently host Miró collection

The Joan Miró collection will stay at Casa de Serralves in Porto. The announcement was made by the Mayor of Porto after the opening of the exhibition "Joan Miró: Materiality and Metamorphosis."

Turkish decreases frequencies in Europe but maintains connection from Porto to Istanbul

Turkish Airlines announced the deficit of several routes in Europe. According to llker Ayci, the company's chairman, this is justified with the seasonality effect and with the impact of the attempted coup of July 15. However, the European airline gave the assurance that it will continue to fly to Porto.

Pass "Porto." the best way to discover the city

The Pass Porto. was officially presented today by the Tourism Association of Porto (ATP). It is a passport that will allow for better discovering the city, widening options of choice beyond the focus on Historical Centre/Ribeira. It is divided into three segments: cultural sites, icons and landmarks. It will be provided together with the Porto.Card and can be purchased for a symbolic value.

The "Porto." brand internationally recognised

The brand "Porto." was launched on 29th September 2014. In just two years, the brand conceived by designer Eduardo Aires, art director of the White Studio, is internationally recognized and has already received some of the most prestigious design awards worldwide.

First Portuguese platform for sustainable investment launched in Porto

The first Portuguese online platform for sustainable investments in energy was presented Wednesday, 21 September in Porto.

"Porto" had good reviews at the San Sebastián Film Festival

The festival of San Sebastián (Spain) hosted on a world premiere, "Porto" by Gabe Klinger. The film has received wide critical acclaim and is one of the pleasant surprises of the New Directors competitive section of the 64th Festival, the biggest film event in Spain.

Pixies new album released in Porto

Pixies new album "Head Carrier" will be released in Porto on 21st November. The band is heading to Porto to play a sell-out show at Coliseu do Porto.

"Porto." arrives in East Asia and is a topical issue in a Korean design magazine

About to celebrate two years since its creation, the brand "Porto." is now presented to the Asian press, highlighted in the magazine Design 459, which devotes a special issue to the building of a city brand.