News Porto.

TMP new season starts 17th September 2020

Teatro Municipal do Porto opens doors on 17th September 2020, unless public health issues do not allow it. This will be the time to celebrate art and culture, with performances previously scheduled to take place between March and July now featuring the TMP new season.

Porto City Hall distributes 15 thousand masks to visits to retirement homes

Porto City Hall has handed out 15 thousand disposable face masks in the circa 70 nursing homes in the city of Porto. These masks are meant to support family visits to relatives living in long term retirement homes.

Porto Solidário applications 8th edition opens on 2nd June

The Porto Solidário 8th edition opens on 2nd June, at 9am. Applicants should consult the necessary documents and all the corresponding relevant information. Porto Solidário programme grants support to economic vulnerable households regarding house rent or purchase.

Air France and easyJet's recovery route include Porto Airport

Air France resumes air connections between Paris and Porto on 6th June, "with three weekly flights that will go back to being daily starting 18th June, and easyJet announced the restart of operations on 15th June, including the route between Geneva and Porto.

Get closer to the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto on 1st June

After two months closed, due to the current coronavirus pandemic, the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP) prepares to reopen doors to the public the first day of June. On 2nd June, the Biodiversity Gallery also opens doors.

Municipal Executive wants to support all 186 associations under the Emergency Support Line

The Emergency Support Line to Associations in Porto, set up by the Municipality of Porto wants to include all 186 admissible applications. The proposal will be voted during the next Municipal Executive Meeting, on 25th May.

Fairs and markets go through changes as reopening is prepared

Fairs and markets in Porto will be able to resume activity from 1st June to 30th September. This only applies to food businesses marketplaces that were in place before Covid-19. Other fairs and markets are still prohibited till 30th September.

Porto City Hall votes to support LH owners and hotels that have accommodated health professionals

Local Housing and tourism development owners that have accommodated health professionals, free of charge, fighting the new coronavirus pandemic in the frontlines in the city of Porto, will be granted special municipal financial support of circa 111 thousand euros.

Águas do Porto international prize handed out to Water for People organisation

Águas do Porto municipal company just handed out a 1.000 dollars donation to the organisation Water for People, following the Year in Infrastructure 2019 Awards prize that the municipal company conquered in Singapore.

Driverless public buses run in Porto starting this fall

Self-driving buses will run the streets of Porto, starting this fall, namely in the Asprela area, under international project that STCP - Sociedade de Transportes Coletivos do Porto is taking part. Tests will run on mini bus, also known as shuttles.