News Porto.

Mission Hospital is set up in Super Bock Arena to help fight the new coronavirus

In Porto, Super Bock Arena - Pavilhão Rosa Mota venue will be turned in a hospital with beds for 300 patients, and 27 wards to help cope with the pressure that would overwhelm the health system in the city.

The Cinephile Quarentine continues this week with "Blue, White, and Red"

This week, the Cinephile Quarentine brings "The Three Colours trilogy" by Krzysztof Kieslowski to our home screens. Blue, white, and red are the colours of the French flag in left-to-right order, and each film is loosely based on one of the three political ideals of the French Republic: liberty, equality, fraternity.

Porto Metropolitan Area achieves the highest recycling rates ever

The citizens of Porto and the other seven municipalities that are part of LIPOR have recycled over 8.5 tons of materials in 2019; also, less than 2 tons of waste has been delivered in the same period. Porto was able to surpass, still in 2019, the goals it had set for 2020, regarding the waste recycling rate.

Cinema for children and youth with IndieJúnior

Parents and sons, students and teachers, spring is here and with it amazing and colourful stories that IndieJúnior Allianz brings to brighten grimmer days and help tackle uncertainty during the spring days spent at home.

Serralves online experience awaits you. Do enjoy!

These are times for interesting things as well, as the SERRALVES ONLINE EXPERIENCE brings about the notion that it is this space between us that connects us the most. This initiative takes the Serralves Museum, the Park, the House and the Casa de Cinema to all of us; after all, Serralves is also this idea and its community that shares art, culture, nature and landscape. #SERRALVESONLINEEXPERIENCE awaits you.

Know how the Covid-19 is being screened in all the nursing homes in Porto

Porto City Hall launched a full Covid-19 screening to all the nursing homes in Porto last week, an unprecedented initiative in Portugal. Now it is replicated at national level.

Live performances from windows and balconies in Porto to the world

The "Festival Varandas em Casa" (Balconies at Home) challenged the Portuguese to take their performances to their balconies, patios or windows, in these times of shutdown to fight Covid-19.

Drones overfly the city of Porto to urge the population to #StayHome

Starting tomorrow, 28th March, and as long as it is necessary, two drones will overfly the city of Porto, warning the population that everyone should stay at home.

STCP recommends passengers to travel only when absolutely necessary

The Society of Collective Transports of Porto - STCP - recommends that passengers should only use this transport in case of absolute necessity. Passengers should act as public health agents and people must resort to bus travels only in situations of dire need.

URGENT COMMUNICATION: False requests for help on the Internet

False requests for help on behalf of Porto City Hall. The Municipality is developing several actions to support hospitals, nursery homes, and homelessness situations, together with other institutions in town, to fight the outbreak of Covid-19. However, no public appeal was made so that help would be sent to any email or apparent municipal workers' email.