News Porto.

"Porto." interviewed Neill Lochery about "Porto: Gateway to the World"

"Porto." interviewed Neill Lochery about "Porto: Gateway to the World". This interview was conducted at Casa do Roseiral, Mayor of Porto's Official residence. Rui Moreira welcomed Professor Neill Lochery and his wife/Agent Emma Lochery before the interview.

This year, Festival Trengo will give way to a cycle devoted to circus arts

This year, Porto will welcome Festival Trengo in a different format than usual, which will hit town in August and September. From 1st to 5th July, company Erva Daninha and the municipal company Ágora - Cultura e Desporto joined efforts to find and alternative format to still bring circus to town.

The world-renowned eco-label trusted by millions around the globe is flying in nine beaches at the Invicta

This summer, blue flags are swaying in all beaches in Porto.Porto Coastal area is granted the Blue Flag quality seal as all its nine beaches were awarded this eco-label in recognition of their quality standards.

New premieres at Campo Alegre bring Martin Eden, by Pietro Marcello

July is here and with it new premieres to the cine studio of Campo Alegre, by Medeia Filmes; this week, Martin Eden, by Pietro Marcello, one of the most promising directors of the new generation of Italian filmmakers.

Tourism operators are back in business in Porto

At a time when countries are actively battling the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic, tourism operators have reopened their sector in Porto on 1st July, in line with all the preventive measures in place and issued by health authorities.

Global companies continued to settle in Porto amid the most critical pandemic times

Several international companies continued to rent office space in Porto during the Emergency State. This information was released by the consultant CBRE, which alone leased circa 7.500 square meters.

What can one do in the evening this summer?

The entire July offers poetry, music, dance and debates to the MHNC-UP's yard, from Tuesday to Saturday, starting at 9.30pm. Entrance is free (by the Jardim da Cordoaria).

The Minigolf Club of Porto reopened with new adapted safety measures

The Minigolf Club of Porto reopened doors with new adapted safety measures to control the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, in line with the health authority's guidelines. It is time, again, to go back to enjoying fun moments outdoors, with friends and family.

It is the emphasis on tradition that threads the rehabilitation work of Cinema Batalha in Porto

The Art-Deco Cinema Batalha is about to come to life as the restoration of the building can now be glimpsed through both the scale model on display on site and the giant canvas that covers the place.

Rolling stairs are now fully operational in Miragaia thus supporting local residents

Slope friendly stairs or rolling stairs are now operational in the Miragaia area, in Porto. The work to establish rolling stairs in that area of the Invicta was to lessen the journey of commuting from the city's higher and lower levels.