News Porto.

Conditioned traffic in Porto Atlantic Avenues and riverfront areas also stands for this week's holidays

Access by car to Atlantic boulevards Montevideu, Brasil, Dom Carlos I and Rua do Coronel Raúl Peres and to the riverfront areas in the city of Porto is conditioned, during the public holidays of 10th and 11th June.

CIBIO-InBIO team of the University of Porto discovers new beautiful species of butterfly

A new species of butterfly, officially named Mondeguina atlanticella, has been discovered in Portugal, by CIBIO-InBIO team of the University of Porto. And, because butterflies symbolise life, and in many cultures butterflies represent endurance, change, hope, and life, it is the perfect timing for a team from Porto to discover this new butterfly species.

Take time for a tram ride, as they are back on track starting on 6th June

Tram lines 1 (Infante-Passeio Alegre), 18 (Circular Massarelos-Carmo) and 22 (circular Carmo-Batalha) resume operations starting on 6th June, following the necessary safety conditions under the ongoing pandemic. Porto is open! Enjoy the ride!

Major artwork on display at the FC Porto Museum

The FC Porto Museum reopened this past Monday, 1st June, which means that the Espaço João Espregueira Mendes (EJEM) resumed its activity and announced that the temporary exhibition "Cintilações: obras maiores do séc. XX português na coleção Ilídio Pinho" will be on display till the end of August.

Want to climb a bridge in Porto and discover one of Porto's "most secret view"?

After a little over two months when visits to the Arrábida Bridge cross-section were temporarily closed due to the ongoing public health crisis, Porto Bridge Climb is resuming visits to "the most secret view in town". New adapted safety measures are in place, adjusted to the ongoing pandemic that affects countries at world level.

Ventilator granted to sister city of Mindelo, São Vicente is on its way to Cabo Verde

Porto and Mindelo, in São Vicente, are sister cities since 1993, and as such, Porto decided to grant that city a ventilator, as well as thousands of surgical masks to help overcome any needs during the ongoing pandemic.

Coliseu Porto Ageas is reopening with all the necessary safety measures

Coliseu Porto Ageas reopened its doors to the public early this week, after almost three months of lockdown, under the pandemic of the new coronavirus, and following all the guidelines issued by the DGS, namely reduced audiences for the scheduled shows.

Authorized São João basil bushes sales. Interested parties should apply to regular selling spots till 12th June

The Municipality of Porto intends to keep the traditional São João basil bush sale alive, very much like any normal year of celebration of the patron saint of the city. This is doable because of the favourable numbers regarding the fight of the new coronavirus. Applications for selling spots run till 12th June and must be submitted at the Townsman Office, upon prior appointment.

Porto is honouring all those who distinguished themselves in their support to fight Covid-19

Individuals and collective persons that have been fighting the new coronavirus on the frontline, in the city of Porto, will be honoured by Porto City Hall, as this year the traditional Medal Award Ceremony of the city will not be held for sanitary reasons.

KLM will handle daily flights between Porto and Amsterdam this July

KLM resumes the air route between Porto and Amsterdam-Schiphol in July, handling two weekly flights, starting on 5th July.