News Porto.

The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) journey will have Porto as a mentor city

Through the "100 Intelligent Cities Challenge" project the European Commission will support the implementation of innovation strategies of circa 124 cities and Porto is one of the 10 European cities to have been selected as a mentor city, alongside Barcelona, Amsterdam, Antwerp and Singapore, among others.

Municipal programme invites for an evening with bats and shooting stars

The "Ambiente em Família" activity resumes on 24th July, after the shutdown due to the current pandemic, for two can't-miss activities. The first one to resume is the Evening with Bats - Noites de Morcegos - on 24th July, at Pasteleira Park. The second activity is held on 12th August, at Quinta do Covelo, the perfect time to gaze at a shooting star memorable moment, namely the Perseids. Prior registrations are mandatory.

The water pavilion is granted the "clean and safe" certification by the Turismo de Portugal

The entity Turismo de Portugal granted the "clean & safe" certification to the Water Pavilion, acknowledging that entity's compliance with the health recommendations issued by the directorate-general for health, under the covid-19 pandemic.

Poetry that reaches farther at the Casa Comum of the University of Porto

The utterance and verse of Andreia C. Faria can be met at the patio on the Museum of natural History and Science of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP) for the third session on poetry, promoted by the University of Porto, jointly with Porto Editora. Entrance is free, but subject to prior appointment at the Eventbrite portal, under the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Plot August to be amazing. Porto PianoFest will do the rest

Porto Pianofest 2020 will make its online debut for one week in August. Amid the pandemic, nearly all cultural activities had to be adjusted to meet the necessary Covid-19 control measures. The fifth edition of this festival will write a new chapter in its history and the good news is that over 70 musicians will take to this different platform to reach audiences worldwide this August. All about this event spells perfect.

Tennis matches are served at Monte Aventino Sports Complex in Porto

The Absolute National Championship is ongoing till 19th July at the Invicta, with tennis players Frederico Silva and Gastão Elias qualifying for the quarter-final matches. For women's competitions, Francisca Jorge, top player also qualified for the quarter-final match. The athlete from Guimarães will play against Bárbara Balancho.

Do you speak "wellbeing"? You can, at the Oriental Park in Porto

Enhancing wellbeing with walks and physical exercise at the Oriental Park is the offer for this Sunday, and it looks like the weather is chilling a bit, so the better it will feel. Between 10am and 11am, there is the free session of the municipal programme "Domingos em Forma", boosted by Ágora - Cultura e Desporto do Porto.

Seek out weekend activities that add joy! The Urban Market in Praça da Alegria might just be it

The Urban Market - Meet Designers & Makers is back in Porto for this entire weekend. On 18th and 19th July, from 10am to 6pm, two iconic places in town, the Hard Club and Praça da Alegria, in Bonfim host this event. The event is prepared in compliance with all the Covid-19 control measures, issued by the General Directorate for Environmental Health and Porto City Hall.

Weekend time is strolling around time in town! Make it happen

Typically, nice weather and charming neighbourhoods create the perfect weekend and Porto nailed it with free car zones to offer pedestrians the best way to enjoy the city, strolling around the traffic free areas, both in downtown Porto and in the Historic city centre and reaching shops, restaurants or esplanades. This is especially important during the pandemic, as it enables people to enjoy outdoors in a more safely manner.

La Dolce Vita by Fellini screens at Campo Alegre on 6th August

The most popular film by Fellini, La Dolce Vita screens at Campo Alegre, on 6th August and marks the debut of the cinema cycle devoted to one of the great filmmakers of the Twentieth century. The cycle concludes on 10th September.