News Porto.

Municipality will enhance streams with climate change adaptation measures plan

The creation of retention basins and increasing the territory's permeability are some solutions pointed out by the Plan for the Valorisation and Rehabilitation of the Water Lines of the Municipality of Porto.

13 Dias da Dança (Dance Days), 27 narrative revolutions and endless creative freedom

Dance and freedom come alive between 23 April and 5 May, with the spotlight on nine absolute premieres and 13 national premieres.

European Mayors show how climate change must be tackled with proximity policies

Among the leaders was the Deputy Mayor of Porto, Filipe Araújo, who is responsible for the Environment and Climate Transition.

The Easter Fair arrives at Mercado do Bolhão

From today, the 21st, until Saturday, the 23rd, the event will feature six food-only stalls, as well as workshops, children's activities and musical shows.

Rua Sá de Noronha comes alive and becomes one of the coolest streets in the world

It is located between Praça Gomes Teixeira (better known as Praça dos Leões) and Rua das Oliveiras, right in the city centre.

Conversations Under 30: 'Porto residents are increasingly aware of environmental causes', Ana Rita Barros believes

With a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, she was recently chosen as an ambassador for the European Climate Pact.

Synergy between public and private investment is the recipe for increasing the supply of middle-class homes

This was underlined by the Councillor for Housing, who travelled to Cannes, where MIPIM was taking place until last Friday.

Tourism diversification tells eight stories from a book of experiences called Porto

Understanding the city as a whole, the mission is to decentralise tourist flows in order to relieve pressure on the areas of greatest demand and create new opportunities.

Consortium shows results of European project to implement healthy corridors in cities

Porto hosted the latest meeting of the URBiNAT project consortium.

Porto's presence at MIPIM reinforces investment in housing

In view of the demand that Porto has shown among investors, the Councillor for Economy makes an 'extremely positive assessment' of the participation in MIPIM.