
"The Stage and The City" at Casa do Infante until March 27, 2017

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Nuno Nogueira Santos

The exhibition "The Stage and The City, Theatre in Porto 1850-1950", can be visited at Casa do Infante until March 27, 2017.

It features a celebration of 10 decades of theatrical history in the city of Porto. Lyrical theatre, vaudevilles, magical reels and zarzuelas are some of the genres displayed regarding the historical background of Porto's theatrical activity from 1850 to 1950 in an essentially diachronic perspective.

The exhibition, organised by Porto City Hall, is divided by three nuclei called "acts".

The first act displays plans, models and project designs. The second act features actors and actresses, on staged poses and pictures. The third act presents the relevant national playwrights and composers, as well as leaflets, programs and posters.

This historical exhibition is enriched with a collection of 19th and 20th century artifacts and other objects of artistic, cultural and historical importance available for public viewing such as Jumelles, French for "opera glasses'", woman and men garments, makeup for theatre, a ticket vending machine from Teatro Rivoli (1930/1940) and an eighteenth-century stroller.

The exhibition is free, on display at CASA DE INFANTE | 09: 30h-17: 00h, Monday to Friday | 09:30 a.m.-12:30 a.m. / 14:00 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday.