
Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome promotes collection in the first three days of December

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Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome promotes, on 1st, 2nd and 3rd of December, a new campaign to collect food items. This is the 56th edition of an action, already traditional at this time of the year, which will take place, according to the organization “in more than 300 supermarkets in Porto”.

Throughout the long weekend, the organization appeals for help of the community, who can contribute with donations of a variety of non-perishable products, like milk, canned food, olive oil, oil, rice, sugar, flour, or pasta. These will be then distributed to more than 300 institutions supported by Banco Alimentar do Porto, a structure that helps to the neediest population.

For this three-day action, the institution also appeal for the help of volunteers, essential elements for carrying out this campaign. For all of those who want to take part as volunteers in this initiative, registrations can be made here.

As part of the 55th edition of this initiative, performed in May of this year, 329 tons of food were collected. The initiative had the support of over five thousand volunteers, who were distributed through the district’s supermarkets, but also at the warehouse of Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome do Porto.