
Foreign investment inflows continue to increase in Porto

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Porto is increasingly the destiny of choice for foreigners that wish to settle in Porto and to start a business. The top reasons for choosing the city of Porto are safety and the new connection lines and entry on the market of new air companies, connecting Porto to the rest of the world.

The President of the Association of Professionals and Real Estate Business Mediation of Portugal (APEMIP) stated to the national press that foreigners prefer to settle and invest in Porto rather than elsewhere in the country, mostly for "safety, reliability and stability reasons".

The increase of the so-called low cost airlines in Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport and the opening up of new routes would add to the choice of Porto as the most competitive city, said the representative of the real estate industry.

"New routes can lead to new investment routes", the official declared, and added that the higher cost of housing in Lisbon is another reason for foreigners wanting to settle in the Invicta, where they are, for that matter, buying real estate assets.

It is worth nothing that Porto was elected Best European Destination in 2012, 2014 and 2017, which translated into an increase in the number of tourists visiting the city, and the number of overnight stays reaching around 6.9 million.