
Get ready to go out and become a botanic expert

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Filipa Brito

The team of the Environment Education of Porto City Hall presents the best way to become a specialist in the flora of this region during your outings. The trick is to use the smartphone and start learning.

The next episode of “Atelier da Boa Vida” tells you how to identify plant species, with the help of several apps to make the challenge a bit easier. With this app, it suffices to take a snapshot to the plant or flower that you are curious about and…”voilà”.

Those who want to expand the challenge (and knowledge) can access the chat platform and the huge database on worldwide botanic, which will provide comprehensive information about the species we find in Portugal.

There are different episodes on several topics, namely, biological products, how to avoid food waste and even Xmas decorations. Check all this on the YouTube of the portal Porto. or follow the hashtags#atelierdaboavida, #debinoculosnosofa, #historiascomambientedentro, #biodiversidadeemcasa, #ambientedescomplicado and #naturezaabrincar.