
Porto shows what reopening the economy is like amid the pandemic

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Reopening the economy amid the ongoing pandemic is a challenge that economies all over the globe must face right now; Porto shows what reopening the economy is like by adapting to this new paradigm and preparing the recovery of the economy in a responsible manner. 

The new mupis campaign "O Porto seguro é aqui" ["Safe Porto is here"], is all over Porto to let people know that local trade, hotels and restaurants are open and ready for business, following all the necessary measures to prevent the outbreak of Covid-19.

This campaign follows the successful one launched in the beginning of the lockdown, the #StayHome campaign, where the Municipality of Porto directly communicated what needed to be done to help prevent the pandemic.

After two and a half months, the city is easing the lockdown and showing what is like to reopen amid the pandemic. And after three days with no new reported Covid-19 cases, Porto prepares to resume the new normal, always bearing in mind that safety comes first when dealing with the new coronavirus. Thus, social distancing, mandatory use of face masks and disinfection of spaces are the rules to comply with.

These preventive measures help regain trust that Porto can go back to business as safe as it should be.