
Porto Solidário applications run till 19th June

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Applications to the 8th edition of the Municipal Programme "Porto Solidário" run till 19th June. Applications should be submitted at the Domus Social site, which includes filling a form and attaching the required documentation. 

This programme is targeted at granting economic support to economic vulnerable households regarding house rent or purchase. This economic relief can go up to 350 euros per month. This 8th edition of the Porto Solidário programme will take off on the largest budget allocation of 1.3 million euros.

The Porto Solidário programme was established in 2014 and this Social Emergency Fund has already supported 2.336 families; by proposition of Councillor Fernando Paulo, this 12 month support programme was extended to 24 months.

Besides the extended deadline to support rent and mortgage costs to 24 months, the programme also features a 25% reduction of the household effort rate as well as the possibility of beneficiaries applying again if the deadline is about to conclude, and the support is granted from the application date.

The programme was proposed by Rui Moreira during the electoral campaign in 2013. In total, this programme represented an investment by the Municipality of Porto of circa 5.9 million euros, essential to guarantee the right of housing to the most vulnerable households.

Applicants to the Porto Solidário can submit applications via:

- Domus Social website;

- Scheduling a previous appointment, face-to-face at the Office of the Municipal Tenant; prior appointments are scheduled via phone number: 228 330 000, from Monday to Friday, between 9am and 6pm;

- Previous appointment is mandatory. Learn about prevention procedures and infection control that are in place at the Office of the Municipal Tenant and avoid unnecessary travels;

- contact the parish council of your neighbourhood (preferably by phone);

In addition, further clarifications on Porto Solidário programme can be done via the following channels:

Email -

Line Porto Solidário - 228 330 099, available from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm.


- Regulation

- Notice of Proposal Submission

- List of requested documents

- Article 7. º