
Porto delivers top performer criteria to host EMA

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The Portuguese application to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is among the most eligible applications, with Porto ranking among the five "top performer" cities, regarding key criteria for selection.

This is the summary of the study by consultant Ernst & Young.

Further to the European Commission's assurance that the Portuguese application gathers the necessary requirements, this independent study reaffirms that Porto is able to host EMA.

Besides Porto, cities such as Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Vienna and Stockholm are also pinpointed as top performers.

In a detailed and objective way, six basic criteria were assessed: four criteria underlies Porto as "top performer" and two criteria indicate "very good quality".

Unlike other cities, Porto is spotlighted for its "balanced application", according to Hermano Rodrigues, from Ernst & Young.

The six criteria assessed are the features of EMA's headquarters building - and Porto has presented three possibilities, all in accordance with the Agency's requirements - the type of accessibility, the integration of EMA's workers and families, as well as Educational offer, geographical distribution of international agencies and the capacity to ensure EMA's normal operation during the transitional period. 

Ricardo Valente, member of the National Application Commission highlighted that Porto "is on the leading group" regarding the choice of a new headquarters for EMA that is due to leave the United Kingdom on account of Brexit. 

The official praised the transparency in this process of choosing a city to host EMA, adding that "any political decision-maker will have difficulties in selecting a less prepared city".

The next EMA headquarters will be announced 20 November.

Visit the Portuguese application website, for more information.