
Porto hosts International Congress of Creative Cities

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After the conferences in Madrid (Spain) and in Campinas (Brazil), the 5th Creative Cities International Conference will be held in Porto (Portugal) from January 25-27, 2017.

It is a joint organisation by the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, by CITCEM - Transdisciplinary Research Centre "Culture, Space and Memory" and by the ICONO14 Scientific Association, with the support of Porto City Hall.

The main purpose of this 5th conference of Creative Cities is to allow debaters and participants to engage in the multidisciplinary and multicultural debate as a means to create the necessary conditions to understanding perspectives and finding solutions on different challenges related to urban contexts.

Porto, besides taking on its significant role as a top European and international destination, is committed to pooling resources as a creative city to boost the creative economy.

Creative Cities 2017 fundamental aim is to promote knowledge and experience sharing in the framework of the creative and innovative solutions for urban space, congregating scientific, artistic, philosophical, political or anthropological perspectives.

The Creative Cities International Conference speakers for this 5th Edition are Francesco Bandarin, UNESCO Assistant Director-General for Culture and Carlos Abrunhosa de Brito, President of the board of ADDICT - Agency for the Development of Creative Industries and Executive Administrator of the Talent group.

Joining the Creative Cities Network is a longstanding commitment that involves presenting a feasible action plan including specific projects, initiatives or policies to be implemented in the coming four years regarding the urban sustainable development agenda.

See here for programme and more info.