
Rui Moreira advances Municipal Associativism Fund of 800 thousand euros

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Miguel Nogueira

Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira will propose that the Municipal Executive approves the double funding of the 2nd edition of the Municipal Associativism Fund in 800 thousand euros, during the Municipal Executive Meeting of 18th May 2020.

The Municipal Associativism Programme of Porto features some novelties this year; besides the doubling of funds, Rui Moreira had announced that the 800 thousand euros budget will be divided up into four areas, namely Social Cohesion - 300 thousand euros, Culture and Entertainment - 200 thousand euros, Sports - 200 thousand euros and Youth - 100 thousand euros.

This Municipal Fund was established in 2019 and the main purpose was to support associations in the city and to contribute to their activity and renovation.

The first edition supported 24 association projects, selected by a jury presided by historian Hélder Pacheco. However, the amount of applications presaged that this budget would have to be addressed in a near future.

For Rui Moreira, "these results are proof that associativism is well alive in Porto and that it is important to support associations, social collectivities and clubs in the city, as they are as they are privileged social spaces (...) and they further the city's cohesiveness, which must be preserved".

However, the proposal states that this fund will not overlap "ongoing supports granted by the different municipal departments".

Thus, the 2nd edition of the Municipal Fund Association is separated from the Emergency Support line, established to help associations tackle immediate liquidity problems during this pandemic, in the amount of 150 thousand euros.

Many associations in Porto are no longer capable of meeting their financial obligations due to the current pandemic and the Emergency State issued by the President of the Republic. Thus, Porto City Hall will consider the proposal by Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, to create an Emergency Support Line to the Associations in Porto.

This line, worth 150.000 euros, will enable immediate help to overcome liquidity problems.

All running costs qualify for the support line, namely rent or building charges, water, gas and electricity charges or other services within the present year.