
Rui Moreira takes part in the ANJE online conference on regional cohesion to overcome the crisis

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Mayor of Porto takes part in the online conference on reginal cohesion to overcome the crisis, organised by ANJE - Young Businessmen National Association, today, 30th April, at 6.30pm. 

"Together We Think Global" is the motto of this online conference on the synergies that must be in place so that the Northern Region overcomes the crisis.

The live streaming is ensured by two digital platforms, and participation is free although the registration is mandatory.

The talk with Rui Moreira, moderated by the ANJE President, Alexandre Meireles, and by the vice-President, Francisco Mendes.

This will be the opportunity to talk on how to strengthen regional cohesion and how to prepare the future of the community.

In the current framework, the Mayor of Porto will be challenged to share what work has been done to overcome the common crisis, in line with regional cooperation, future planning and cooperation between institutions or the strengthening of the regional identity to face the crisis.

The live talk, of approximately 45 minutes can be followed via ANJE's Facebook or via Zoom. Register your application HERE.

In times of confinement, the Young Businessmen National Association has promoted videoconferences on the economic and social effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, with invited personalities of the active Portuguese life.