
Second edition of “Porto_4_All” with registrations opened until the end of the month

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This year, the Municipality of Porto has launched the second edition of the municipal project “Porto_4_All”. A project that aims to promote the professional integration of the migrant community. The registrations for the participants that follow all requirements of admission are open until the end of the month. Training will happen in person at Casa do Infante, from the 18th to the 28th of September.

The necessary requirements for participation, which is free, must be met: be unemployed/employed with a precarious contract (green receipts), resident in Porto (preferential requirement), having all legal matters regularised (for example, through a manifestation of interests and/or proof of residence permit, etc.), understanding the Portuguese and English language (mandatory requirement) and motivation and availability.

The purpose of this project is to promote the updated information to the technics that work with the specific audience on the field, as well as educate the employers about measures related to hiring and legal and judicial matters to be considered when hiring. The project focuses on the qualification of migrants, providing tools for a more efficient job market approach.

Porto_4_All happens at the same time as a recruiting and networking moment between participants and employers in a way to promote the approach to the job market. This year, the project hopes to reach migrants that have knowledge of the Portuguese and English language.

First edition with good results

Coordinated by the Municipality, since the first edition this project counts on several partners, actively engaged in defining the strategy. These partners are the Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional, the Alto Comissariado para as Migrações, the Centro para o Desenvolvimento de Competências Digitais, the Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários and the Serviço Jesuíta aos Refugiados.

In the first edition, “Porto_4_All” counted with the participation of 19 migrants and 13 companies in the networking and recruiting event. From the participants feedback, 83% considered themselves very satisfied with the project, and all considered the program worth recommending.

Other 82% of migrants considered that the learning moment was very important for the process of job hunting and six months after their participation in the project, 73% were already integrated in the job market.