
Session clarifies technicians on professional integration of migrants

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A group of technicians from the Social Network of Porto met on Monday at the Porto Innovation Hub for the first of four initiatives promoted under the project “Porto_4_All – Integração Profissional de Migrantes”.

The informative session called "Questions and Answers on the Professional Integration of Migrants" aimed to inform and train the professionals who work in the Social Network of the municipally, since they are those who, in the first line, are confronted with the need to support the migrant population.

The opening of the event was the responsibility of the councillor of Social Cohesion of the Municipally of Porto who stressed the importance of creating responses “in a socioeconomic context that highlights disparities and inequalities”. “It is important to create strategies for social and professional integration of those who become more vulnerable and who are far from their support network, in favour of a more inclusive and cohesive city”, said Fernando Paulo.

“The Municipality of Porto will remain attentive and available to continue to implement a set of social cohesion measures and policies aimed at the population that brings together vulnerability factors”. “We do not intend and cannot replace the entities with their competencies in the various areas; we intend to be facilitators for the partnership network to work and assume part of the responsibility that falls to us”, said Fernando Paulo.

This was followed by a panel of questions and answers from the coordinating responsibility of the National Immigrant Support Centre – North, Isabel Lima, also representing the High Commissioner for Migration.

Second edition of "Porto_4_all" with initiatives for different audiences

In this second edition of the project, in addition to this awareness session aimed at technicians, the Municipality of Porto will organize three more different initiatives, namely: a conference for recruiters and representatives of companies, scheduled for July 6, at ANJE facilities; a training program for migrant people (in Portuguese and English) to take place between September 18 and 28, at Casa do Infante; and a recruitment and networking event that aims to bring migrant companies and candidates seeking (new) job opportunities, scheduled for September 29, at the facilities of the Serviço de Formação Profissional do Porto - Cerco.

Porto_4_all was launched in 2021 to pursue the objectives of the City's Social Development Plan, within the scope of the work of the Operational Unit for the Intervention of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities. It is co-organized by the Municipal Division of Talent and Promotion of Employability and the Municipal Division of Management of the Social Network and has the partnership of different entities of the city of Porto: the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training; the High Commissioner for Migration, the Centro para o Desenvolvimento de Competências Digitais, the Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários and the Jesuit Refugee Service.