
Take the doing business road in Porto

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Filipa Brito

ScaleUp Porto and UPTEC promote online meetings between companies and startups, till 30th April, in the framework of the fifth edition of the "Doing Business" initiative, organised by ScaleUp Porto and UPTEC - Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto. The goal of boosting partnerships and networking. 

The novel coronavirus pandemic has imposed a new way of doing things and the great advantage is that the digital world was already prepared.

Over 30 organizations from various fields of knowledge and activity, such as Health, Mobility, Bank sector, Communications, Retail, or Energy, will gather to welcome innovative products and services developed by the startups in the city and in the region.

The second phase of the Doing Business kicked off already and now 34 companies take part in this initiative.

This is the "Road to Doing Business" chapter in webinar format. The goal is to prepare applicants, in advance, so they are better prepared to engage in online business meetings, which will take place next month.

The first session was "Price Setting Strategy", which run on 27th April, oriented by Economics professor Tiago Ribeiro.

Today there is the "Strategic Sales Process", guided by Angel Garrorena, specialized consultant in acceleration programmes. The expert will address the Lean Sales methodology.

The third online conference is "Pitch - Communication and Expression", oriented by Daniel Pinheiro, trainer at the Startups School of UPTEC since 2015.

The "Startups and Mature Organisations Cooperation" session, by Sonja Moosburger, Director-General at MediaMarktSaturn N3XT and Rafael Pires, Experimental Programme Manager at IT Labs da SonaeMC(BIT) and at the Experimentation Area at Associação Porto Digital, will approach best practices and cases regarding the networking of and mature organisations.

The last session is jointly held with Porto Business School, and the main focus is Innovation Strategies as a competitiveness method, delivered by Rui Coutinho, Director of the Centre for Innovation at PBS.

This edition brings the novelty of the UPTEC partnership and the Doing Business will be entirely digital.

The Doing Business initiative by ScaleUp Porto, promotes business meetings between companies and startups, to stimulate partnership development and business achievement.