
Tim Ingold lectures on anthropology, art and a sustainable world in Porto

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Tim Ingold, Emeritus professor and Anthropologist of the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, will deliver a lecture at Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão, located at Carlos Alberto Square, at 2.30 pm.

The lecture is titled "Art and Anthropology for a Sustainable World" and relies on the organisation of CITCEM, SPAE with the support of FCT and Porto City Hall.

This event is entrance free, subject to room capacity.

Tim Ingold has extensively pursued research on ethnographic fieldwork (1971-72) among the Skolt Saami of northeastern Finland. His work, "The Skolt Lapps Today", (1976) was a study of the ecological adaptation, social organisation and ethnic politics of this small minority community under conditions of post-war resettlement.

Ingold's research on circumpolar reindeer herding and hunting led to a more general concern with human-animal relations and the conceptualisation of the humanity-animality interface, as well as with the comparative anthropology of hunter-gatherer and pastoral societies, themes which he also explored while teaching courses at Manchester in economic and ecological anthropology.

Currently, and complementing these studies, Professor Ingold is researching and teaching on the connections between anthropology, archaeology, art and architecture, in the Department of Anthropology, School of Social Science of the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.