
Torre dos Clérigos has hosted 625 thousand visitors in 2016

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During the year 2016, the Clérigos church and Tower welcomed the record number of 625 thousand visitors. 25% more visitors than in 2015.

Get to know the history and tradition of baroque landmark designed by the Italian architect Nicolau Nasoni, combining museum exhibitions on the ground and climbing the spiral steps all the way to the top of the 75 metres tower to enjoying the stunning views across the city. Inside the church, the highlight is a polychromatic Baroque-Rococo marble retable.

In addition to the visits, the Brotherhood of Clérigos provided a number of remarkable cultural events, namely concerts with the Church's magnificent Organ and conferences on rehabilitation and preservation of cultural heritage techniques.

The Torre dos Clérigos won the "Villalva" Prize of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation for the best cultural heritage rehabilitation, an honorable mention in the IHRU Prize for the best social impact of rehabilitation work and Travelers' Choice 2016 by TripAdvisor website.

The new combined ticket Clérigos Tower - Soares dos Reis National Museum is available as of January 2017.