
The U.Porto is part of the RESET project that furthers gender equality in the scientific field

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Filipa Brito

The University of Porto, alongside other seven European universities, is part of the RESET – project (aka Redesigning Equality and Scientific Excellence Together). The purpose of such endeavour is to boost gender equality and diversity within the scientific area of study and research.

The RESET has a duration of four years and has allocated a budget of three million euros, financed by the programme Horizonte 2020 of the European Commission that combats both systemic and cultural barriers to female career opportunities in scientific and academic excellence. This initiative is extended to women within all levels of the professional careers, including leadership positions, and it seeks to establish plans for gender equality (GEPs), as well as the setting of councils for gender equality (GEBs) in each of the seven partner organisations of the project.

The team by the UP is also in the process of developing a survey model that will be applied in the different partner organisations to ascertain perceptions and experiences regarding obstacles to the promotion of equality.

The participation by the University of Porto is coordinated by the Vice-Rectory for research, Innovation and internationalisation, and it encompasses the support by the Research and Project Service of the Rectory. It also relies on the cooperation by professors Marisa Matias, Conceição Nogueira and Sara Isabel Magalhães, of the Faculty of da Faculty of Psychology and Education of the University of Porto (FPCEUP), and Alexandra Lopes and Isabel Dias, of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (FLUP).

In addition to the U. Porto, RESET includes the participation of the University of Bordeaux (France), Łódź (Poland), Oulu (Finland), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany) and the Sciences Po Paris (France).
