Municipal Theatre

Drew Klein joins Cristina Planas Leitão in the artistic direction of Teatro Municipal do Porto

As of January 2023, Cristina Planas Leitão and the North American programmer and curator, Drew Klein, succeed Tiago Guedes, in a new model of artistic co-direction of the Departamento de Artes Performativas (DAP) of the municipal company Ágora.

International tender launched for the co-direction of Teatro Municipal do Porto

This Tuesday, the 12th , was launched the international public tender for the co-direction of Ágora’s Department of Performing Arts – Culture and Sports in Porto, E.M.. Applications are open until August 31.

CAMPUS Paulo Cunha e Silva with open calls for artistic and technical residencies

Open calls for professional artists and companies, Portuguese or foreign, are available until April 4th

Rivoli is made up of 90 years of the city and a window that opens Porto to the world

Teatro Rivoli will celebrate nine decades of culture for six days, with nine projects, around 90 artists and nine art forms.

January arrives at the Teatro Municipal do Porto with Rivoli’s 90th birthday party

One of the main moments of the second half of the 2021/22 programming of Teatro Municipal do Porto is the celebration, in January, of the 90th anniversary of Rivoli. Between April and May, the cities of Porto, Vila Nova de Gaia and Matosinhos host, once again, the DDD –Festival Dias de Dança.

Warm Up for precious moments at Campo Alegre

The array of activities that announces Porto Book Fair, one of the most important literary events in the city is the Warm Up, featuring must pick up events to prepare for precious moments. The first of those events kicked off yesterday, with the quartet A Flor do Lácio, and today there is Rui Reininho, outstanding figure in the national music scene. The music from Porto will take the stage at the Theatre Campo Alegre, at 5 pm, to present his newest work “20.000 Éguas Submarinas”.

Retrospective of Eric Rohmer’s work takes to the silver screen at Campo Alegre

Eric Rohmer, mostly known as a Post-World war II French New wave film director, has left an established body of work that is celebrated at the silver screen at Campo Alegre, starting this July.

This is good news: the cycle Quintas de Leitura resumes the in-person format today

It’s been 20 years that the poetic initiative Quintas de Leitura marks its comeback to the in-person format, with a session at the auditorium of Porto Municipal Theatre, Campo Alegre, at 7.30 pm. Tickets purchased for the postponed session last January are valid.

Dramatículos by Samuel Beckett, takes to the stage at Rivoli

Rivoli hosts the performance “Dramatículos” staged by Renata Portas, artistic director of the company “Público Reservado”, on 8, 9 and 10 July, at 7.30 pm. On stage, Pedro Manana, Pedro Damião, Cláudia Lázaro and Sílvia Santos will deal with such issues as the human condition and the notion of decay, based on the works by Samuel Beckett.

“For better or for worse” with Cirque Aital at the Rivoli

Figure the following: a couple United by the circus arts that invites audiences to enter the realm of… Circus! This couple, Victor and Kati, literally lie on the floor, they scream for human life, from tears to laughter, happy, sad … Pour le meilleur et pour le pire (For better or for worse). In-person performances, on 30 June, at the Rivoli, at 7.30 pm; online, on 2 and 3 July (available as of 5 pm, on 2 July).