
Porto will establish a Living Lab to create a greener ecosystem in the city

The “Asprela + Sustentável” project will lead to the first renewable energy community in the region and the goal of zero carbon emissions.

If you have a garden or a yard, Porto City Hall has a tree or a bush for you!

Spring is here and what better time of year to enter the initiative “If you have a garden, we have a tree for you" programme, sponsored by Porto City Hall? Applications open on 26th March and run till 30th April. Prepare your spades!

Valuing Water: World Water Day is celebrated in Porto

Porto celebrates the importance of water in digital platforms, with activities such as games, workshops and sustainability suggestions. The initiative is jointly organised by the Water Pavilion and Turismo do Porto e Norte de Portugal.

Camellias are a force of nature in Porto

This exotic botanical species can be enjoyed in many places throughout the city of Porto, including Porto Botanical Garden, Serralves Park, Gardens of Palácio de Cristal and Quinta Villar d'Allen. During lockdown, really one of the best ways to admire this queen flower is by watching the video that Porto City Hall Environment Department prepared for you.

Excellence in Greenhouse Gas Management grants Porto A scores according the Carbon Disclosure Project

Porto received the highest rating for its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while building resilience to the impacts of climate change. Alongside other members of the A List regarding environmental action, which features 88 cities worldwide, Porto is setting an example as a resilient, engaged city that safeguards its citizens, its economy and, ultimately, the planet. The CDP Europe Awards 2021 were held in an online format on 2nd March, under the motto #BuildForwardBetter.

Take inspiration from tulip joyful colourways onto gardens and squares all across the city

The city of Porto is bursting with colour, an announcement that spring is on the way. Gardens, squares and flowerbeds scattered all across town deliver a masterclass in magicked backdrop to one of the most resilient cities ever: the Invicta.

LIPOR reused 14 thousand tons of material goods in 2020

LIPOR and associated municipalities, including Porto City Hall, were able to reuse 13.719 tons of material goods. This sustainable process was equivalent to saving 700 thousand euros in waste residue treatment and also saved 2.872 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

What makes it rain? What is rain made of? Can it rain without clouds? Look here for answers

Rainy days don’t have to be stereotypically gloomy and grim! There are actually fun things to do on a rainy day, namely getting your learning on where does rainwater comes from. Enjoy the next video by the Environmental Team of Porto City Hall on how does rain form and what is the Water Cycle.

The lake in the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal undergoes rehabilitation works

The rehabilitation of the lake in the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal kicks off this Monday, 22nd February. This municipal investment of circa 132 million euros should be completed in the second half of the month of April. The work is carried out by the Municipal Company GO Porto - Gestão e Obras do Porto, and it is targeted at the general waterproofing treatment of the lake, open cracks, fissures, wall repair and hydraulic infrastructure works.

Porto protects urban trees: another tree protecting order has been issued

Twenty-one more tree species are henceforth protected in Porto, in four different areas in the city, namely the trees in the Arca d’Água Gardens, in the garden of the Palace Burmester, in Porto Botanical Garden and in the North Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-N) garden.