News Porto.

It is already possible to plan a visit to the exhibition of D. Pedro's heart before it leaves for Brazil

On 20 and 21 August, the heart will be exposed in the Salão Nobre of Irmandade da Lapa.

Applications until 31 August for those who want to help to build Porto's innovation and technology ecosystem

Until 31 August, the Call for Activities 2022 is accepting applications submitted by entities and collective organisations, national or foreign, to promote activities that stimulate Porto's innovation ecosystem.

City in smoother modes: more electric scooters arrived and shared bikes are coming

Seven hundred more new electric scooters are available for sharing service and soon the option of the people of Porto may also pass through the use of bicycles.

Multiplicity of textures, colors and details of Porto displayed in new promotional video

“Texturas do Porto,” the new promotional video of the Municipality, aims to show details of a city filled with lights, shadows, reflections, colors, and textures, rich in visual details to stimulate the senses and present the city from a different perspective of the usual.

University of Porto in new project for the exchange of students, researchers, and teachers

The creation of this free circulation “supercampus” has the support of 18 million euros from the European Commission.

After downtown marathon, the sound of jazz music marks the begging of Porto Pianofest

From today until August 9th, Porto Pianofest presents concerts by established artists and "future stars of the music world" in various locations around the city.

Porto welcomes first service centre from Chinese giant Alibaba in Europe

Alibaba Cloud, which is part of the Chinese technology group, Alibaba chose the city of Porto to open the first of the company’s three international centres. The goal is to “serve foreign markets more efficiently and intelligently”.

The Book Fair is coming, which is “more than a book fair”

From August 26 to September 11, literature will reign, combined with a cultural program that includes more than 100 activities. Ana Luísa Amaral is the honoured author of this edition.

Eidosmedia Atlantic is the most recent technology centre to arrive in Porto

Eidosmedia, a multinational content management and digital publishing company, will open a new technology centre in Porto this Summer and already has facilities in the Batalha area.

Porto Blues Fest returns greener to the gardens of Palácio de Cristal

The 5th edition of Porto Blues Fest will take place on the 29th and 30th of July in the gardens of Palácio de Cristal, with a poster featuring national and foreign names and an environmental awareness campaign, to be held for the first time.