News Porto.

Tik Tok, Spotify and Amazon come to Porto to boost innovation for more than five hundred students

Classes are about to start at the European Innovation Academy (EIA), the largest academy of entrepreneurship and innovation in the world.

Official opening of 42 Porto with the ambition to be “the best technology school in the country”

The space where the programming school is located already has about 150 candidates taking tests, in the first of three “piscines” – the last stage of the selection until the beginning of the program, in October – which begun on the 11th of July.

Santiago day celebrations bring program of initiatives to Porto

To mark the Santiago Day, which is celebrated on July 25th , Porto city Hall will promote a set of initiatives that highlight the historical and cultural importance of the Camino de Santiago that crosses the city.

International tender launched for the co-direction of Teatro Municipal do Porto

This Tuesday, the 12th , was launched the international public tender for the co-direction of Ágora’s Department of Performing Arts – Culture and Sports in Porto, E.M.. Applications are open until August 31.

Races and guided tours mark the 500th anniversary of Fernão de Magalhães’ voyage

During the month of July, Clube de Vela Atlântico promotes the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the first circumnavigation voyage around the planet, led by Fernão de Magalhães, with a number of initiatives, bringing together the three municipalities of the Atlantic Front: Porto, Matosinhos and Vila Nova de Gaia .

Boroughs of Porto host street animation program during the Summer

The “Vizinhanças” program proposes a trip through seven different places in Porto, during seven weekends.

Minister of the Presidency of Brazil received by Rui Moreira

The minister of the Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil, Luiz Eduardo Ramos, visited, on Friday, the Council Chambers, where he was received by the Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira.

See Porto by night from Torre dos Clérigos

Until October 16, is possible to climb to the top of Torre dos Clérigos at night and admire, in an almost 360 degrees view, the cities of Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia and the river that joins them.

Livraria Lello auctions signed collection of first editions of Harry Potter

A complete collection of first editions of Harry Potter, signed by the author, and which is part of Livraria Lello’s asset, will be part of Christie´s Valuable Books and Manuscripts Auction, which will take place in London, on July 13.

Artistic installation entertains commerce between Rua da Picaria and Largo de Alberto Pimentel

The artistic installation “The Square”, which concept was created by the architect Nuno Pimentel, will be on display until 17 September.