News Porto.

Public present again in the super special of Rally de Portugal

Porto is getting ready to receive again, on May 21, the “Porto Special Stage”, a super special included in the 55th edition of Rally de Portugal.

Porto Cancer Meeting brings together world experts in the Council Chambers

More than 200 cancer researchers gathered in the city to discuss and share experiences in the area.

Porto takes on strategy to boost the region’s economy in the next decade

The most diverse entities that contributed to the definition of the Economic Development Strategy of Porto – and which will now assume the role of putting it into practice – met at the Super Bock Arena – Pavilhão Rosa Mota.

Porto tourism three times awarded at international film festival

The promotional set of videos that reflect a Porto of architecture, gastronomy, handcraft, viewpoints, and hospitality, launched by the Municipality, won a silver medal from the International Tourism Film Festival Africa.

Bolt invests in a 700 vehicles fleet in the city for the next five years

Bolt, the leading European mobility platform, will invest in a 700 vehicles fleet, which will be available throughout the city, after having won a municipal license valid for the next five years at a public auction.

Porto leads National Award for Urban Rehabilitation

The interventions in Palácio dos Correios, in M.O.Co and Eurostars Aliados hotels, and in the Edifício Litografia Lusitana earned Porto the leadership of the National Award for Urban Rehabilitation.

Ukrainians arriving Porto will have a free transport pass

The Municipality aims to grant all Ukrainian citizens who have arrive to live in Porto, under the temporary protection regime, an Andante intermodal card, for free use of the city’s public transports network.

Atlantic Front with support for refugee expenses for three months

The delivery of the “Dá Apoio” cards took place at the headquarters of the Seminário Redentorista Cristo Rei, a structure that has concentrated a large part of efforts to welcome and integrate Ukrainian refugees in the region.

Jardim da Água offers activities for all tastes and ages

The Jardim da Água returns next Saturday, May 14, with a program entirely dedicated to thematic activities for the whole family.

Art, music, entertainment and guided tours return to Bombarda

On the second Saturday of May, the animation returns to Bombarda with the third cycle of Simultaneous Inaugurations in 2022.