News Porto.

Porto Economic Development Strategy “Pulsar” is presented on Friday

Porto's Economic Development Strategy, called Pulsar, involves a direct investment of approximately 600 million euros by the end of the decade.

Porto attracts two more companies in the technology area. There are a hundred vacancies

Avenga and Boost IT arrive in Porto attracted by the talent and proximity to universities.

Alfândega welcomes XXII International Congress on Registration Law

Along the three days, more than 450 participants from different areas of Law, from more than 30 countries, will discuss Registration Law and the role of the land registry in the face of globalization and sustainable development.

Citizens in dialogue with the Union on the future of Europe

The events of the Conference on the Future of Europe ended this Saturday, in Serralves, and was attended by the Mayor of Porto and the Prime-Minister.

Mercado do Bolhão opens in the first half of September

September scenario will make it possible to have a greater number of traders and working spaces at the inauguration, since delays resulting from the contract made it impossible to deliver the keys on the initially scheduled dates.

French Devoteam already works from the heart of the city of Porto

The inauguration of the new offices of the French technology consultancy, on Avenida dos Aliados, was attended, on Thursday morning by the Mayor of Porto

Rainbow flag will be hoisted in front of the Council Chambers on May 17

On the date that marks the International Day for the fight against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, the rainbow flag will be hoisted, on a mast to be installed for this purpose in Praça General Humberto Delgado.

There is another daily Lufthansa flight connecting Porto to Munich

In this way, and according to the German Airline, “Porto passengers will have greater flexibility and will be able to reach almost all connecting flights in Munich, thanks to the early morning arrival time”.

On Europe Day, the 30 languages of the old continent are sung under the baton of maestro Vitorino d’Almeida

A project that is about 20 years old is now taking shape and music on Europe Day, which takes place on May the 9th.

Luxembourg delegation from Esch-sur-Alzette received at the Council Chambers

The objective of this visit was inserted in the economic promotion of the region, launching bridges for the establishment of relationships with entities and entrepreneurs in Portugal.