News Porto.

UN highlight Porto as a reference city for innovative measures against Covid-19

Fixed tariffs for water, sanitation and urban waste for non-household customers have been exempted in the city of Porto, as approved by Porto City Hall last April. This was pointed as an example by the United Nations (UN), as an innovative measure against Covid-19, in the framework of a policy brief recommended to cities the world over.

Porto heritage tramway celebrates 150 years

The tramway in Porto celebrates 150 years and it stands as a testimony of the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit of the Invicta. Also, it is 125 years that the first electrified lines started to operate in Porto, the first in the Iberian Peninsula, in the moment when the car that can be visited at the Tramway Museum in Porto, went up the Restauração Street in Porto, on 12th September 1895.

You know it is the right outing when it spells free outdoor cinema

Enjoy movies of every kind for every taste and age, from 31st July till 29th August, at the Sports Centre Monte Aventino. This 21st cinema cycle features ten films for ten nights, every Friday and Saturday, starting at 10pm.

Wonders in the Suburbs, a film by Jeanne Balibar on screen at Teatro Campo Alegre

This is the first long film by Jeanne Balibar, famous French actress and singer. The chosen genre is comedy and the movie"Wonders in the Suburbs" is underpinned with a curious plot as Balibar features politicians as a very enlightened group, rather than vicious and cynical. Sessions at the cine studio of Campo Alegre at 6.30pm.

Peugeot Citroën buys auto parts recycling startup from Porto

The PSA Group, which will soon become the fourth world's largest car manufacturing company announced the purchase of a Porto based startup in the area of auto parts recycling. The company "Amanhã Portugal", alongside its e-commerce platform and was acquired by the French PSA Group.

The Miró Collection that lays in Porto is classified as public interest work

The Miró collection, transferred to Porto by the Portuguese Government, for a 25 year period, was officially designated public interest collection today, in the National Official Journal, in a decree signed by the Assistant Secretary of State for Cultural Heritage, Ângela Ferreira.

City Café webinar debates the importance of privacy in the digital world

City Café promotes a webinar on "The importance of privacy in an increasingly digital world" ("A importância da privacidade num mundo cada vez mais digital"), on 28 July, at 13.30pm. Participation is free. Apply now.

This is building rehabilitation that is also historic preservation in Porto

One of the most exquisite hotels of 19th century Porto will be rehabilitated for long term housing. We are talking about the Hotel do Louvre, which will be renovated while keeping the original architecture layout. The works are estimated to last circa 12 months.

Sunday translates into sports mood sprinkled with fun in Porto temporary pedestrian zones

Porto City Hall organises a vibrant getaway in town, on 26th July that includes sports activities, such as fencing, pat cycles, and also street entertainment with visits by clowns, sea monsters and colour Brigades. If you are already daydreaming about these activities, know that they will be carried out in the three temporary pedestrian areas in town that are car free zones for the weekend, with the goal of boosting local trade, inviting people to go outside and enjoying public space in Porto.

Last session of the 25x Buñuel cycle at Campo Alegre is set for 26th July

That Obscure Object of Desire (Ese oscuro objeto del deseo) concludes the screening of films devoted to the cycle 25x Buñuel at Theatre Campo Alegre, on 26th July, at 3.30pm.