
City Café webinar debates the importance of privacy in the digital world

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Filipa Brito

City Café promotes a webinar on "The importance of privacy in an increasingly digital world" ("A importância da privacidade num mundo cada vez mais digital"), on 28 July, at 13.30pm. 

Grow your knowledge of best practices with Pedro Fortuna, CTO and founder of da Scale Up Jscrambler and both expert and entrepreneur in the field of digital safety.

City Café is following the webinar series and presents the latest trends and strategies on the safeguard of our privacy and the measures to comply with when working online.

This is an initiative by Porto Innovation Hub (PIH), which promoting debates in a sort of City Café space, only online, and it is intended primarily to encourage collaboration among its participants on a monthly basis.

Participation is free, but application is mandatory.

Check the full programme here.