News Porto.

See how Jardim Botânico do Porto springs to life at night! Join especially prepared night tours to this most unique garden in town

The Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto opened the Jardim Botânico do Porto for night tours, which last from 7th July till September. This is a not to miss opportunity to unveil the mystique of a garden's nightlife.

Fortera Group invests 47 million euros in Bonfim area, in Porto

The Fortera Group, alongside Israeli Fattal Hotels and ISSTA Lines, each one holding one third of the share capital of the real estate, will build a five star hotel and 200 apartments in Bonfim, Porto, in a 47 million euro investment. The construction work should start this year, stated to Jornal de Negócios Elad Dror, Fortera's CEO. The Invicta will see the construction work start this year, on land at the Bonfim area, which was purchased in August 2019, as "both projects should be concluded...

The best way to vacation this summer is with Missão Férias@Porto

More outdoor activities, enhanced safety measures, mandatory wearing of face masks are some of the major improvements to the Missão Férias@Porto municipal initiative, which runs till 28th August. There are still vacancies and applications are online.

Five social cohesion projects will be implemented in Porto

The Municipal Executive voted five projects in the areas of social cohesion and education targeted not only at vulnerable or at rick groups, but also younger people, whose goal is to promote artistic and sporting activities and the development of interpersonal transversal skills. These projects comprise music and judo classes for children and youth, a project to boost oral health in schools and support to the Ludotecas (aka playrooms) Association in Porto, and the U.Dream Portugal Association...

Porta-Jazz is back in town with outdoor concerts. Get your ticket!

Starting this 8th July, the Porto Porta-Jazz event brings Jazz back in town! Outdoor concerts that need prior reservation. Concerts begin at 7pm. Get your tickets now! The kick off concert will be delivered by the collective Damian Cabaud, with the project "Aparición".

Cartoon art showcases Bob Dylan in Porto

The Art and Spot Gallery, in Porto, at Alameda Shop & Spot, showcases a tribute to icon artist Bob Dylan. The exhibit will be on show during the month of July. The circa 20 caricatures are an homage to the American singer-songwriter, author, and visual artist who has been a major figure in popular culture for more than 50 years.

Cycle: 25x Buñuel - Last opportunities to watch Buñuel at Campo Alegre

Following the so called first phase films screening by Luís Buñuel, Porto Municipal Theatre- Campo Alegre features the second phase films by the Spanish/Mexican director. The films are part of the Cycle: 25x Buñuel and are on screen at Campo Alegre cine studio from 4th June to 26th June.

Tech business from Campanhã wins Prémio Metropolitano de Empreendedorismo 2019

The tech company Readiness IT was granted the Prémio Metropolitano de Empreendedorismo 2019 by the City of Porto. The company is headquartered in Campanhã, a parish in the city of Porto,and it is listed among the top best companies in the world of digital transformation, by the international magazine APAC CIO Outlook.

Guide to the Liberal Cause in the city of Porto was released on 2nd July

The guide "Porto Liberal: Arquiteturas, Sítios e Memórias" [Porto Liberal: Architectures, Sites and Memories", free translation], was released on 2nd July. This historical work describes the role of the city in affirming Liberalism in the course of the nineteenth century. Mayor Rui Moreira attended the official book presentation.

Strolling around town, stopping by markets and cultural getaways to inspire this weekend in Porto

This weekend take time to enjoy the city, strolling around the pedestrian areas, both in downtown Porto and in the Historic city centre, namely Cedofeita, Passeio das Virtudes, Passos Manuel and Avenida de Rodrigues de Freitas, which transform into pedestrian areas on weekends. One can reach shops, restaurants, esplanades in car-free neighbourhoods, while complying with the necessary pandemic control measures.