News Porto.

IndieJúnior Allianz: Shorts at home. Have fun!

Staying at home also means that we can spend time in a fun way, for example, watching shorts by IndieJúnior Allianz!

The Municipality of Porto renews the containment measures to fight COVID-19 till 2nd May

Porto City Hall determined that the containment measures announced by Mayor Rui Moreira on 13th March, to fight the current pandemic, remain in force till 2nd May. These restrictions measures are therefore extended for the same period as the Emergency State announced by the President of the Republic. Municipal public attendance services are available via digital services and phone.

Online films and talks at the Escola das Artes

The Escola das Artes of the Universidade Católica do Porto is keeping students and the community in touch with art and culture. Check all the activities here.

i3S awards innovative solutions to fight Covid-19

The i3S Health Innovation Prize third edition is aimed at researchers and entrepreneurs that come up with "breakthrough solutions" to fight the Covid-19 pandemic. Applications should be submitted till 27th April.

Three series of virtual programmes take Nature to your homes

Porto Municipal services of Environment launched three series of Environmental Education programmes on Youtube. The focus is the initiative "Stay home for now, we bring Nature to you!"

Mission Hospital Porto. has been treating COVID-19 patients for two days now, and more patients are due to arrive

As expected, the Mission Hospital Porto., set up by Porto City Hall with the support of several entities and companies, is treating Covid-19 patients for two days now. Today, five more patients, with mild symptoms of the new corona virus infection, are due to arrive at this Mission Hospital, sent by the Hospitals of Santo António and São João.

ScaleUp Porto and UPTEC promote online meetings between companies and startups

This will be the fifth edition of the "Doing Business" initiative, organised by ScaleUp Porto and UPTEC - Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto. Applications run till 20th April.

Adapting to new ways of life with Nostalghia by Andrei Tarkovsky

Nostalghia is a 1983 Soviet-Italian film, directed by Andrei Tarkovsky. The film depicts a Russian writer (Oleg Yankovsky) who visits Italy to carry out research about an 18th-century Russian composer, but is stricken by homesickness.

Testing to retirement homes in Porto is now expanded to institutions of citizens with disabilities and the homeless

3500 people have already been tested in the city's retirement homes, namely the elderly and respective caretakers, and although the testing programme will continue for more days until everyone is tested, Porto City Hall has extended this programme to institutions of citizens with disabilities and the homeless, with the support of Health Centres in Porto.

Donations to the Mission Hospital Porto. of over 300 thousand euros to fight the new coronavirus

The fund raising campaign "Ligados por um Hospital" (Linked by a Hospital), which was launched on 10th April, with the support of RTP, exceeded 280 thousand euros donated by phone calls or bank transfers of over 40 thousand euros.