
Online films and talks at the Escola das Artes

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The Escola das Artes of the Universidade Católica do Porto is keeping students and the community in touch with art and culture. Check all the activities here.

Every Thursday there are online sessions to view films and to debate artistic issues. There are the CITAR Lectures, which are conferences made available by the Research Center for Science and Technology in Art, on Tuesdays.

In addition, there is the Cineclube EA every Wednesday, which will offer films by former students of the Catholic University and the respective videoconference by the film director.

This initiative kicked off on 15th April with the film "Quem me dera em vez de uma câmara ter uma mosca" ("I wish I had a fly instead of a camera", free translation) by Cláudia Craveiro Santos.

The first talk took place on 16th April to debate sound and contemporary musical composition. Next week the debate will be on "O cinema dentro do Museu" ["The cinema inside the museum", free translation], with Daniel Ribas and Nuno Crespo. On 30th April, the talk is on the importance of sound sculptures in the fields of art and contemporary music.

Follow these talks on the Arts School website, Facebook, or on YouTube.

Sessions kick off at 5pm and will be available online afterwards.