News Porto.

Municipal Assembly approves vote of condolences for the victims of Covid-19 in videoconference session

The Municipal Assembly unanimously approved, this afternoon, a vote of condolences for the victims of Covid-19. The same session, a vote of honour was given to those facing the pandemic and the National Health Service (SNS), both presented by the president of the Municipal Assembly, Miguel Pereira Leite.

Over 3.6% of the population of Porto has already been tested for Covid-19 in Porto

Over 3.6% of the population of Porto has already been tested for Covid-19 in the screening of retirement homes or at the mobile centre

FCUP and CIIMAR are part of the European project to expand circular economy

Researchers of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP) and the Interdisciplinary Centre of Maritime and Environmental Investigation (CIIMAR-UP) will work together in the European project M2ex. The M2ex project is aimed at training a new generation of scientists and engineers to develop resource recovery methodologies.

Porto Vivo, SRU determines full rental-exemption to commercial tenants

The municipal company Porto Vivo, SRU implemented, as an immediate measure, the full exemption of rentals by tenants of commercial buildings and service operation areas as a support for any losses that directly result from the obligation to close doors.

Free lockdown training session with Ágora! Take the challenge

Staying at home is, these days, as essential as ever to prevent contagion and help fight Covid-19; so, we thought you might like to hear about these #StayHome training sessions with Ágora. #StayHome and stay fit.

Metro do Porto and PSP hold monitoring and intervention surveillance this Easter period

Metro do Porto and PSP (Public Security Police) carry a combined passenger control, between 9th and 13th April, in a joint operation to monitor passenger travels in district borders.

Ten ventilators offered to the city public hospitals by Porto City Hall

Porto City Hall purchased 10 invasive ventilators in Shenzhen and delivered them to the city hospitals, to treat severe covid-19 patients. The ventilators were bought in Shenzhen, to a state of the art hospital equipment company, through the channels established by the Municipality of Porto.

STCP travels in between districts this Easter need justification

STCP reminds that bus travels in between districts, this Easter, need justification. Thus, passengers that need to travel during this period must have the requisite documents, according to the Law.

Porto Puppet Theatre takes us to Wonderland

Teatro de Marionetas do Porto - Puppet Theatre of Porto (TMP) brightens everyone's day with free online Stage performances. Today, the TMP presents the story "Wonderland", a popular story - Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll - just this time, we are the ones who dream what Alice dreamt. Up for the adventure? We are too.

The existing contingency measures will be maintained in Porto till 17th April, by rule of the Mayor

Rui Moreira determined on 7th April that the contingency measures in place would remain active till 17th April, the day the Emergency State ends in Portugal, without prejudice to further guidance.