News Porto.

Open water swimming back to the Douro River after 43 years of interregnum

More than 200 swimmers are already confirmed for the first edition of Douro Bridges Porto & Gaia Open Water, to be held on September 4, in Douro River.

Military honours escort D. Pedro’s heart to Brazil

The heart of D. Pedro IV, which the city of Porto temporarily donated for the Brazil’s Independence Bicentenary, is already on Brazilian soil.

Porto Half Marathon takes place on September 18

The Hyundai Porto Half Marathon returns to the road on September 18, with two distances: the Half Marathon, with 21,097 kilometers, and the Mini Marathon with 5 kilometers, the latter for all ages. Enrollments are ongoing.

International architecture magazine chooses São Bento as one of the most beautiful train stations in the world

São Bento station is among the 37 most beautiful railway stations in the world, according to a list elaborated by the international magazine Architectural Digest.

Porto among the world’s destinations with the most “five stars” attractions per visitor”

In a study titled "Underrated City Breaks", Bounce analysed 100 of the world's most visited cities and ranked them based on which ones have the highest percentage of five-star rated attractions, but the least visited, in order to reveal which urban destinations are the most "underrated".

Palácio de Cristal restores the colour of its Jardim do “Buxo”

In addition to the recuperation of the vegetation layer, there was also an intervention at pavement level.

It is already possible to plan a visit to the exhibition of D. Pedro's heart before it leaves for Brazil

On 20 and 21 August, the heart will be exposed in the Salão Nobre of Irmandade da Lapa.

Applications until 31 August for those who want to help to build Porto's innovation and technology ecosystem

Until 31 August, the Call for Activities 2022 is accepting applications submitted by entities and collective organisations, national or foreign, to promote activities that stimulate Porto's innovation ecosystem.

City in smoother modes: more electric scooters arrived and shared bikes are coming

Seven hundred more new electric scooters are available for sharing service and soon the option of the people of Porto may also pass through the use of bicycles.

Multiplicity of textures, colors and details of Porto displayed in new promotional video

“Texturas do Porto,” the new promotional video of the Municipality, aims to show details of a city filled with lights, shadows, reflections, colors, and textures, rich in visual details to stimulate the senses and present the city from a different perspective of the usual.