News Porto.

Ramalde Skate Park is one year old and it is in the process of expanding facilities

It is one year now that the city of Porto won its first Skate Park, in Ramalde and it has been such a huge success that the Municipality decided to enlarge its enclosure. These expansion works will be concluded early in the summer of 2021.

Volta a Paranhos turns virtual for your convenience. Applications end on 1st December

Tradition still remains strong, amid the ongoing pandemic, as the Volta de Paranhos is on, from 2 to 8 December. The Volta a Paranhos takes to the virtual format and it is open to all athletes and sports people, both from Portugal or abroad.

Fashion students fight textile waste in Porto by quickening a solidarity project

The Escola de Moda do Porto (EMP) (Fashion School in Porto) is boosting the fight against clothing and textile waste by creating unique garments made of textile fabrics that would otherwise add to the waste by the fashion industry.

Speed Recruitment 2020 will occur online in real time, on 25th November

The 13th edition of the Speed Recruitment event is held exclusively online, this year, on 25th November, at 9am, due to the Covid-19 contingency plan. Participants will be able to visit the virtual stands of all the companies that are associated with the event, get feedback regarding recruitment needs and existing job opportunities. Participation is free but prior registration is mandatory. Apply at

Art and Spot Gallery in Porto displays wit caricature virtual exhibition on Picasso

The Art and Spot Gallery, in Porto, at Alameda Shop & Spot offers regular exhibitions on caricatures and cartoon artwork on renowned personalities. The art spot offers wit caricatures of Picasso, famous painter, who also was a caricaturist, till the end of November.

Bienal’21 Fotografia do Porto Open Call receives applications until 30th November

Applications for the Bienal’21 Fotografia do Porto Open Call are running until 30th November. Applications to the support programme are free and the aim is to select two winners: an artist or collective, Portuguese or foreigner, one residing in Portugal and the other in Spain. Results will be announced on 14th December.

Fascinating facts and trivia about the city of Porto

Porto offers amazing peculiarities that make it what it is and always has been: unique. From its name – Porto – to the reason why its inhabitants are called “tripeiros”, get to know some of the most fascinating aspects of The Invicta.

See the Sea Monsters running loose at the Rectory of the University of Porto

The Rectory building of the University of Porto hosts an incredible exhibition made of waste collected in the beaches of the Invicta. Sea Monsters ("Monstros Marinhos”) is the theme of the exhibit jointly organized by the Interdisciplinary Center of Maritime and Environmental Investigation (CIIMAR) and the campaign Ocean Action Hub.

Outdoor time to boost stamina amid the pandemic on weekend mornings

The sports municipal programmes, organised by Ágora, are approved by the health authorities, and the weekend programmes still offer free sessions. On 21st November, the Days with Energy (Dias com Energia) programme offers Pilates, Yoga, and Tai chi, in four areas in town. On 22nd November there is the Sundays in Shape (Domingos em Forma) programme features a walk through the Oriental Park.

Alumnus of the Faculty of Architecture of the UP is the Emergent Architect of the Year 2020, by dezeen

The studio SUMMARY, led by architect Samuel Gonçalves, alumnus of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), won the prestigious dezeen Awards 2020 in the category “Emerging Architect of the Year”.