News Porto.

Tourism operators are back in business in Porto

At a time when countries are actively battling the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic, tourism operators have reopened their sector in Porto on 1st July, in line with all the preventive measures in place and issued by health authorities.

Global companies continued to settle in Porto amid the most critical pandemic times

Several international companies continued to rent office space in Porto during the Emergency State. This information was released by the consultant CBRE, which alone leased circa 7.500 square meters.

What can one do in the evening this summer?

The entire July offers poetry, music, dance and debates to the MHNC-UP's yard, from Tuesday to Saturday, starting at 9.30pm. Entrance is free (by the Jardim da Cordoaria).

The Minigolf Club of Porto reopened with new adapted safety measures

The Minigolf Club of Porto reopened doors with new adapted safety measures to control the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, in line with the health authority's guidelines. It is time, again, to go back to enjoying fun moments outdoors, with friends and family.

It is the emphasis on tradition that threads the rehabilitation work of Cinema Batalha in Porto

The Art-Deco Cinema Batalha is about to come to life as the restoration of the building can now be glimpsed through both the scale model on display on site and the giant canvas that covers the place.

Rolling stairs are now fully operational in Miragaia thus supporting local residents

Slope friendly stairs or rolling stairs are now operational in the Miragaia area, in Porto. The work to establish rolling stairs in that area of the Invicta was to lessen the journey of commuting from the city's higher and lower levels.

UNESCO grants chair to the University of Porto in Heritage Studies

This first UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies is the outcome of a demanding screening by a team of international experts, following an application submitted by FAUP. The chair will cover two priority area, namely teaching and advanced training, research and knowledge sharing as well as international cooperation.

The Tramway Museum, in Porto, was granted the "Clean & Safe" certification regarding the ongoing pandemic

The Tramway Museum, in Porto, is part of the list of national museum spaces to have been granted the "Clean & Safe - Património Cultural" certification, thus ensuring that all preventive measures regarding the current pandemic are in place, in line with the health authorities' guidelines and that both staff and visitors can safely visit the museum.

Municipal Audio Room opens in September with a careful selection of 35 thousand vinyl records

If you are into listening and appreciating music, know that the Municipal Vinyl Audio Room of Porto City Hall (Fonoteca Municipal de Vinil da Câmara do Porto) is set to open to the public and the inauguration is scheduled for the end of September, along with the start of the upcoming cultural season in town.

Neill Lochery major new work christens the Invicta as "Gateway to the World"

Neill Lochery major new work christens the Invicta as "Gateway to the World" and between facts and figures, explains why Porto is a vibrant and cultural city, with world allure. The starting point to such reading might as well be the book synopsis, which reads "Porto: Gateway to the World" as a vibrant commercial and cultural hub, which takes pride of its historic connections with the outsider world".