News Porto.

Portuguese Makers Craft Week is just around the corner

This year, The Serralves Park is the host of Portuguese Makers Craft Week, an event crafted for those who look for a "hands-on experience", from 3 to 8 September.

Porto Municipal Theatre is back for the new season

September 6 marks the opening of the new season. Discover what performances and shows are heading to Porto in the 2018/19 season, in Rivoli and Campo Alegre. This event is scheduled to start at 7 pm and it is entrance free. The season kicks off with 63 performances, in a total of 120 presentations, 14 of which international and 11 national premieres.

Clérigos joined the Portuguese Museum Network

The Portuguese Ministry of Culture has acknowledge the Museum Brotherhood of Clérigos as member of the Portuguese Museum Network.

Culture on every corner in the city of Porto

The first Porto Busker Fest edition ended this past Sunday. For four weekends in August, 15 impromptu stages all around downtown Porto offered living statues shows, acrobatics, and comedy, captivating all kinds of passers-by. No doubt Porto was a busking hotspot this summer period. See you next year!

The city of Porto decks out to honour Saint Bartholomew in Foz

Crowds lined the streets this Sunday in Foz, in Porto, to honour St Bartholomew, the Patron Saint of great miracles and, as is tradition in the Foz do Douro, there was a costume parade entirely made of paper.

Upcoming Classical music concerts in Porto

The "Concertos na Avenida" are back in town at Aliados on 7 and 8 September, at 10 pm. Porto will be steeped in classical music concerts by the Baroque Orchestra and the Symphony Orchestra. Famous virtuoso violinist, Dmitry Sinkovsky will play Antonio Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" jointly with the Baroque Orchestra.

Portugal through the Mexican lenses of Flor Garduño at the Portuguese Photography Centre

The exhibition themed "Alma mexicana em terras lusas" [Mexican Soul in Portuguese soil] pictures Portugal through the lens of Mexican photographer Flor Garduño.

Jardim do Calém is the place to be this weekend in the city of Porto

Porto is the city in the know when it comes to lively weekends. The "Verão no Jardim" [Summer in the Garden] programme is on the go. The liveliness and entertainment is guaranteed, but this time the setting is Jardim do Calém, the place to be this Saturday and Sunday.

High spirits and joy are on the menu for Porto Busker Fest last weekend

Entertainment is prevalent in all days of the silly season calendar in Porto. And guess what? August still has serious fun days to offer! Porto Busker Fest bids farewell this weekend. And it will not disappoint as 25 national and foreign buskers interact with crowds downtown Porto, dancing, singing and sharing their amazing talents. These artists are from Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Poland, Puerto Rico and Peru.

Project from Porto selected for European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe 2019

The city of Porto is included in the short-list of selected architecture works in the context of the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe 2019.