News Porto.

Photography contest to showcase the city’s wonders

The photographs must be forwarded to the UNESCO’s National Commission until September 30th.

Escola Básica do Falcão and Secundária Alexandre Herculano gain a new life

More than ten million euros were invested by the Municipality of Porto in the requalification of the Escola Básica do Falcão, in Campanhã, and in the Secundária Alexandre Herculano, in Bonfim.

The working session brings together partners around the city's climate ambition

As part of the selection of Porto as one of the 100 cities in the European space with the ambition to lead the climate transition of the territory, a working session took place for three days with the objective of developing the beginning of the implementation of the Climate City Contract.

Escola Solidária grants more than 10 thousand meals during Easter’s school holidays

During the Easter’s school break, between April 3rd and 14th, the school canteens of the Municipality of Porto were open, assuring the provision of circa 10.020 lunches and 9.596 snacks to children and kindergarten, middle and secondary school students of the city’s public net.

Projeto Orgânico celebrates two-year anniversary expanding to 15 thousand families

Launched exactly two years ago, the waste collection pioneer project of the Municipality of Porto, that bets on turning waste into compost in order to use it on the soil and enrich it, arrives now to more than 15 thousand families, with an estimated full coverage of the city by the end of this year.

FC Porto bets on the energy transition and reinforces commitment to the Porto Climate Pact

The club is is preparing the creation of two Renewable Energy Communities, at Estádio do Dragão and at the Centro de Treinos do Olival.

Porto Design Biennale arrives in October to makes us reflect upon Water and environmental survival

With curatorship by Fernando Brízio and Spain (Galicia) as a guest country, the event brings a set of exhibits, conferences, workshops, and publications.

Museu do Porto is now offering audio-guides

Starting this Tuesday, April 18th, visitors of Museu do Porto will now have at their disposal an audio-guide’s service.

Municipality joins the “Save the Frogs Day” world initiative

Global initiative aims to raise awareness of the importance of amphibians.

Delegation of Brazilian mayors received at the Town Hall

An opportunity to exchange experiences and strengthen union ties between Brazilian municipalities and Porto.