News Porto.

"WAKE UP!" places Porto among the pilot cities for creating new forms of decarbonisation

Integrating technology and information to put citizens at the centre of climate action is the proposal that makes Porto a pilot city in the NetZeroCities initiative.

Urbanization plan will transform Campanhã into a new hub of the city

The project by Catalan architect Joan Busquets will transform the eastern part of the city

A “Porto de Arquitetura” to display the city’s iconic buildings

Porto City Hall and Casa da Arquitectura will promote, between February and July a cycle of visits to eight buildings.

City tells new stories for a (increasingly) better tourism. “Yours Truly, Porto”

The councillor for Tourism and Internationalization gave the news of the launch the map that will show the world new stories for a vision towards the sustainable future of the destination.

Travelers choose Porto among the best cultural destinations in the world

In a list of 25 cities, Porto is ranked 13th place, ahead of destinations like Buenos Aires, Vienna or even Berlin.

Residents and tourists support tourism growth in the city

These are some of the conclusions taken from a study, called “Economic Sustainability of Tourism in Porto”, carried out by ISAG - European Business School.

Political Science subject brings college students from Missouri to the Council Chambers

A group of students from William Jewell College, in Missouri, United States of America, was received by the Mayor of Porto.

Jardim da Cordoaria receives sculptures by Belgian artist Dirk Lamote

It represents the testimony of the friendship between Belgian and Portuguese, at a time when Belgium assumes the presidency of the European Union.

Batalha presents a retrospect of the work of Tsai Ming-Liang

“Tempo do Desejo” is dedicated to the work of one of the biggest names in contemporary cinema.

Festival Trengo seeks shows created or directed by women

Diálogo is the name of the programmatic section that the ninth edition of Trengo will dedicate to contemporary circus creators in the Ibero-American space.