
€324 million of GDP comes from UPTEC companies

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In 2021, the 249 companies based at UPTEC contributed 324 million euros of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Being responsible for the creation of 8,600 jobs, reaching 219 million euros in remuneration, the activity generated 48.4 million euros in tax revenues. Results were presented on Tuesday, at the ceremony of the 15th anniversary of the Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto.

“UPTEC is driving the transition from the business fabric of Porto and the North region to the knowledge economy”, said the vice-mayor of the Porto City Council, referring to the “growth of business activities linked to value-added sectors, innovation-intensive and with a technological profile".

Filipe Araújo stressed how, in 15 years, UPTEC has “positioned itself among the most dynamic innovation and technology hubs in the country, assuming a central role in the Portuguese entrepreneurial ecosystem.”

Recognizing the “remarkable work” in the “incubation of startups and the training of entrepreneurs”, but also “in the transfer of knowledge and in the provision of R&D services” or in the “attraction of competence centres of national and international companies”, the also councillor of Innovation and Digital Transition stated that UPTEC “meets the objectives of the development strategy of the Municipality of Porto”.

“We have been attracting external investment to the city, namely from the technology sectors and the creative industries”, said Filipe Araújo, not forgetting the “optimization of the business environment, creating better conditions for the foundation, growth and consolidation of companies in high potential sectors”.

For the future, the vice-mayor of the Porto City Council hopes to see “strengthened and expanded” UPTEC's activity, boosting “an even greater impact on the transformation of the economy of the city and the North region”.

The numbers of companies of the Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto also have a turnover with sales and services provided of more than 187 million euros, 57% referring to exports.

The Dean of the University of Porto, António Sousa Pereira, the Vice-Dean for Entrepreneurship, Valuing Knowledge and Strategic Planning of the University of Porto and the President of UPTEC, Joana Resende, and the Vice-Dean for International Relations, Social Responsibility and Sport, Maria Joana de Carvalho, for Built Heritage and Sustainability, Pedro Alves Costa, and for Research and Innovation, Pedro Rodrigues, as well as the Mayor of Matosinhos, Luísa Salgueiro, the head of the Economy, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Planning division of the Municipality of Famalicão, Francisco Jorge, and the Regional Development Director of CCDR-N, Raquel Meira, were present at the celebration of UPTEC's 15th anniversary.